Dark Day of the Soul

This image hadn’t meant muchBut after yesterday I understand The Sun, the cynosure of my day sky,Can disappear—not o’er horizon,Nor cloud, nor any cause that’s close at hand;But because of reasons all celestial And a timing that I never could have planned.Without the shadows lengthened,Warmth is drained, the colours bland;After a momentary chaos, all birds …

The Grace of Resistance after and through the Grace of Resilience (Part 3)

Marcel Văn is certainly most famous—at least around here—for his mission of “changing sadness into joy” or “changing suffering into happiness.” This, as I explained in Part 2 of this series on clerical abuse, is his Christmas grace of 1940. It emerges in the context of clerical abuse he suffered (Part 1). It is his primary means …

“Changing Suffering into Joy” as Spiritual Resilience in Surviving Abuse (Part 2)

Although I have for a long time been aware of Marcel Văn as a clerical abuse survivor, it was upon reading a book chapter[1] by Redemptorist priest Jean-Philippe Auger that my understanding really started to be transformed. Father Auger is not a particularly well-known author, as far as I know—not even in the literature on …