MLK Jr. in the Teaching of Pope Francis

I’m from north of the border (though actually rather south of the 49th parallel), but my neighbo(u)rs in the US are celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day this weekend—and I’d like to get in on the fun. If I were to pick somebody else’s national holiday that I appreciate the most, it would be this …

The Grace of Resistance after and through the Grace of Resilience (Part 3)

Marcel Văn is certainly most famous—at least around here—for his mission of “changing sadness into joy” or “changing suffering into happiness.” This, as I explained in Part 2 of this series on clerical abuse, is his Christmas grace of 1940. It emerges in the context of clerical abuse he suffered (Part 1). It is his primary means …

A Little Public Service Announcement on Docility

Some time ago, a reader wrote a comment about Pope Francis below one of my blog posts. The information was false and slanderous. Evidently, she had gotten her daily hysteria from one of the “news” outlets that has made it their task to, as the Holy Father has said, do “the work of the devil.” …