From social media (FacebookInstagram, and X) this past week:

The Three Divine Persons dwell within you at every moment of the day and night. You do not possess the Sacred Humanity as you do when you receive Holy Communion, but the divinity, the essence which the blessed adore in Heaven, is in your soul; when you realize that there is a wholly adorable divine intimacy within, you are never alone again! — Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity

To leave the tabernacle to go and venerate statues would be to leave Jesus living at my side to go into another room to greet his portrait. — Saint Charles de Foucauld

Let us all try to pray this way, by entering the mystery of the Covenant. To place ourselves through prayer into the merciful arms of God, to feel enveloped by that mystery of happiness which is Trinitarian life, to feel like guests who were not worthy of so much honour. And to repeat to God in the wonder of prayer: how can you know only love? — Pope Francis

What pleases Jesus is to see me love my littleness and poverty, the blind hope that I have in his mercy. This is my only treasure. — Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

It is a calumny to define the Church as juridical, legalistic, since this is not to see the whole Church. The Church is the Church of law, but it is also the Church of prophecy, contemplation, poetry, and invention. Arturo Paoli

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